The 2015 Prix lémanique for translation will be awarded to the translators Holger Fock and Jean-Yves Masson.
In addition to being President of CEATL Holger Fock is a German translator of literary fiction and non-fiction from French and has translated authors such as Patrick Deville, Andreï Makine, André Breton, Tahar Djaout and Théophile Gautier.
Jean-Yves Masson has translated into French work by many German-language writers, including Rainer Maria Rilke, Stefan George, Eduard Mörike, Arthur Schnitzler, Ödön von Horváth and Heinrich von Kleist.
Both translators have been working for many years in the area of Franco-German literature and culture and both have been awarded other prizes for their work, testifying to the high quality of their translations.
The Prix lémanique de la traduction is awarded once every three years. One literary translator from German to French and one from French to German share the prize of 20,000 Swiss Francs; both are invited to a two-week residency at Translation House Looren in Switzerland.
The award ceremony will take place on 5 September 2015, during the literary event ‘Le livre sur les quais (http://www NULL.lelivresurlesquais’.
For more information, please click here (http://www NULL.unil NULL.html).
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