In this issue of Counterpoint, we touch upon the issue of non-Western literature in translation and how it is perceived and received in the European book-market in Arabic to Dutch translator Djûke Poppinga’s thoughts about her work. For more on the topic of how and when books written in non-Western languages are translated and by whom we have several items in the CEATL Click List. Dealing also with the practice of translation, Andreas Eckhardt-Læssøe shares his thoughts on the urge to smooth out the text when translating.
Turning our gaze to our own corner of the world of translators’ associations, we hear from Barbara Sauser from Switzerland and Ian Giles from the UK, who face very different linguistic challenges within their organisations. And Rafał Lisowski of the Authors’ Rights Working Group tells us about the continuous work being carried in this crucial area for CEATL’s members.
Ewa Rajewska gives readers an overview of a decade of literary translation in Poland where increased visibility hasn’t (yet) led to an increase in fees, and director of ATLAS Jörn Cambreleng tells us of the residence for literary translators in Arles, France, and the work carried out here.
We hope you enjoy this issue of Counterpoint over the summer and as always, we welcome your thoughts and comments.
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