The general call for proposals 2011 for the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) has been launched. In the strategic priorities 2011-2013 (http://ec NULL.europa NULL.pdf) of this programme, section KA 2.2 (networks in the key activity field of ‘languages’) now includes an item on literary translation:
2.2.2 – Training and cooperation in the field of literary translation
Networks will promote the creation of literary translators’ platforms on the internet or through traditional communication tools. Such platforms should aim at improving the quality of the translators work by supporting the establishment of partnerships with higher education and vocational training establishments. Furthermore, they should enable translators to exchange information and experience and to develop professional links with authors.
For more information on this funding opportunity, please consult the official documents (http://ec NULL.europa NULL.htm) for this call and the special KA 2 fiche (http://ec NULL.europa NULL.pdf). Application deadline: 31 March, 2011.