With the aim of contributing to strengthening translation movement between the countries on the north shore and those on the south shore of the Mediterranean, the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), King Abdulaziz Foundation for Human Sciences and Islamic Studies (Casablanca, Morocco), ‘MED 21 Programme – Network Awards for promotion of Excellence and Cooperation in the Mediterranean’, the School of Translators of Toledo (Spain), and the City Council of Cremona (Italy) have agreed to create a translation award entitled the Gerardo de Cremona Award for the Promotion of Translation in the Mediterranean.
The creation of the award was officially decided in a meeting in Toledo on 7 May 2015.
The award ceremonies will move around and will take place annually in Toledo (Spain), Casablanca (Morocco), Cremona (Italy) and, probably, Carthage (Tunis), thus alternating symbolically between places on the north and south shores of the Mediterranean Sea.